Welcome to La Leche League Southampton!

LLL Southampton is a friendly group of mothers supporting each other on their breastfeeding journeys. The Leaders are trained LLL breastfeeding counsellors who can provide accurate and up to date information on breastfeeding.
We meet every Monday (term time only) from 10am to 12 noon at:
St James Road Methodist Church
St James Road
Southampton, SO15 5HE
(Parking available at the back)
Click here to find us on the map.
We welcome all women interested in breastfeeding, whether or not they are currently breastfeeding. Babies and children also welcome. A trained LLL breastfeeding counsellor is always present. Toys and refreshments available.
Please come along to find out what we are about. You can speak to the Leaders privately if you wish, but you don’t need to have a breastfeeding problem to join us!
We also hold monthly series meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month, during which we share experiences and opinions on a specific breastfeeding related topic. Topics include:
– Breastfeeding beginnings
– Overcoming challenges
– Weaning
and much more!
Please visit (and like!) our Facebook page for updated information about upcoming events.
We look forward to seeing you soon!